Feng Shui

Feng Shui, also known as Chinese geomancy, has been used around the world for transforming lives. Deiptii is a accomplished Feng Shui Master helping people around the world by analyzing the qi (energy) of a building and identifying areas that are stagnant and making recommendations based on the analysis to enhance the flow of energy.

Many people through her advice have achieved remarkable results by facing their favorable directions. Her expertise on 9Qi astrology readings helps people to be prepared and use the low periods with ease.

Feng Shui Master helping people around the world, identifying areas that are stagnant and recommending how to enhance the flow of energy.


The term “bagua” (or “ba gua”) is derived from the book of the I-Ching, a sacred text used to tell the future. An ancient Chinese term “bagua” means “eight areas” (“ba”=eight, “gua”=area) and Feng Shui bagua acts like a map or chart that relates to the various areas of your life through the 8 sections of your house. These eight main sections of a space are represented by what are known as “guas” of the bagua map. The bagua map can also have a ninth center section that corresponds to the 8 major corresponding life areas. So in this way the layout of bagua map shows the nine main energy centers that are important while analyzing the house.

The map is used by placing it over a floor plan of your house / office. With the help of this map you would know if your relationship area is in the toilet or in the bedroom. If it is in the Bedroom which is SW, it is termed excellent in Feng Shui.

Through such an analysis we can pinpoint the areas which that need our immediate attention so that they can be enhanced by Feng Shui practice.


    The Feng Shui bagua is the most important way to understand how environment relates to the various aspects of life. Wealth, reputation, love, family and health, travel and helpful acquaintances, career, wisdom, children and creativity are the main life areas. ‘Feng Shui Bagua’ the key points

    Feng Shui Bagua helps you to analyze your living space by putting the 9 sections on the floor plan of your house. This will help you understand the relationship between the Bagua and different parts of your house (or parts of a room) and the different aspects of your life.When dealing with a specific problem like relationship, wealth, children, career, you should first determine which or the eight life guas it fits in.

    For example, if you are having a fight with your daughter, that would fall into the children gua, whereas dissatisfaction with your salary would relate to the career and wealth guas.After you determine the problem area, overlay the bagua map and see which portion of your home requires your immediate intervention to correct the imbalanced energies.The Feng Shui bagua helps you to understand where you should be making enhancements or cures to improve problematic areas and which area of your life you should target.Individual guas have unique personalities, symbols, and associated elements. When you know about each element and its meaning, the bagua tells you how can you make healing enhancements to your space using one or more elements.

Kua Number
Face Your Favourable Directions

The best way to begin Feng Shui is to determine the four most favorable corners of your home, office or an area of a room. These corners will be your luckiest; thus creating positive energy in your environment. To determine which 4 corners/directions are your luckiest you need to know your Kua Number. A Kua Number is calculated by the year of your birth and gender.

Face your best directions in your office , as per your Feng Shui Kua Numbers. To calculate your Kua numbers, either fill in details in 9 Ki Astrology Section or try calculating it with the formula mentioned below:

  • MALE

    Add the year of your birth to a single digit and subtract it from 11. Example: 1957 single number 4; 11-4=7. The Kua number is 7.


    Add the last two digits of the year of your birth till you get a single digit and add 5. Using the 1957 single number of 5+7 = 3; 3+5=8. The Kua number is 8.

The year changes in January or February. So if you are born before Feb 5th 1957, you have to calculate previous year i.e. 1956.

If you sit facing your favourable directions, you will surely notice a great change in your life:

  • KUA 1

    • After 2 sluggish years a big breather energy wise, time for new beginnings. Your enthusiasm is high. Your creativity will blossom. You will have a strong desire to make things happen and will be feeling very optimistic.
    • This period indicates new growth and new development. Work will start with new vigour. You will make profitable changes and will proceed towards new opportunities.
    • Right time for chalking out new plans for new ventures. Luck will favour chances of success will arise this year.
    • Very constructive period. Lot of energy; You will feel effects of morning and spring.
    • Don’t ignore minor important things. Try to work on plans made ahead;
    • This is a favourable period, hence new ventures can be launched without any hesitation. Control your anger; Avoid haste and carelessness. Have patience. Plans will see results and growth;
    • Eat after every two hours. Care should be taken for gall bladder and liver. Avoid nervous tension.
    • You might feel overwhelmed by the energy of this year, given the lack of positive energy in the past two years. Go slow and make a solid ground for yourself is the mantra.
    • A word of caution for the period starting 8th September – 8th You may find the energy heavy. Things will be slow and stagnant. Wait for the next month.
    • Be careful during the months of 8th Nov – 7th December & 8th December – 5th Eat well, rest well and no hasty decisions.
  • KUA 2

    • Excellent year energy wise, flowing constantly upwards. There is no looking back.
    • You will see results of your hard work. A big breather energy wise, very constructive period.
    • Time to give concrete shape to the work scheme that started last year.
    • In spite of past failures, you will witness a lot of ways opening up that lead you towards success.
    • Because of the upward flow of energy you will have an impressive personality.
    • Your optimism will rise to its peak.
    • You might be tempted to drop old well thought of plans and would like to shift to newer ideas. Do not change your directions abruptly. Try to work on plans made ahead; only these plans will see results and growth;
    • Your mind will waver and that might bring unsteadiness. Care should be taken for liver.
    • Control your anger; minor ups and down should be overlooked.
    • A word of caution for the period starting 8th August – 7th You may find the energy heavy. Things are just not moving there will be stagnancy. Wait for the next month. Remember, its just a phase.
    • Be careful during the months of 9th October – 7th November & 8th November –7th Eat well, rest well and no hasty decisions.
  • KUA 3

    • Pause for a moment and take a stock of your life and carefully make plans for your future.
    • Be cautious and well disciplined, avoid impulsive actions. Undue haste and impatience will cause problems.
    • Stay centred this year, in other words as close to home as possible.
    • Evaluate how your life is progressing and look both backward and forward.
    • Focus on target and goal; Lot of directions will open up, carefully move forward with a lot of thought; you will be able to achieve completion despite of minor ups and down;
    • Ideal time for projecting potential; Good health, undertake only what is achievable, don’t take more than you can chew; Think carefully before making a change.
    • Don’t give in to temptation. Remain cool and fix your gaze on your target. Don’t jump onto multiple tasks.
    • You will be able to reap rewards of what you have sown in the past. You will be rewarded for your efforts and also penalized for wrong doings, so pay close attention to your decisions.
    • Attention should be on making yourself emotionally strong, as you might feel pulled in different directions.
    • This is the right time to improve any relationships.
    • Take a balanced diet and do a lot of stress relieving exercise.
    • A word of caution for the period starting 8th July– 7th You may find the energy heavy. Things are just not moving there will be stagnancy. Wait for the next month. Remember, its just a phase.
    • Be careful during the months of 8th September – 8th October & 9th October – 7th Eat well, rest well and no hasty decisions
  • KUA 4

    • Move ahead strongly. The tide is going your way. Seize the opportunity.
    • Excellent period signifying luck and prosperity. You will have Clarity in thoughts;
    • Good energies and well wishers will appear; you will see Appreciation and recognition; will make correct decisions;
    • Plunge wholeheartedly to realize your dreams as this is a very favourable time. Best time to travel for work.
    • Your spirits will be high and energy soaring. Amazing zeal and enthusiasm.
    • You are self confident, nothing should diminish your efficiency.
    • Pay attention to health as recovery could be slow;
    • Avoid being petty and arrogant and realize others might be right in their views. Avoid disagreements and concentrate on your own goals.
    • Do not overwork, give enough time for relaxation. Special care of bones required;
    • A word of caution for the period starting 6th June – 7th You may find the energy heavy. Things wouldn’t just move, there will be stagnancy relevant to the energy of mountain. Wait for the next month. Remember, its just a phase.
    • Be careful during the months of 8th November – 7th December & 8th December – 5th Eat well, rest well, pay more attention to making yourself more stronger, plan and research, do not rush and no hasty decisions.
  • KUA 5

    • Matters will go your way without much effort.
    • Time to celebrate your success which you have earned in the past few years.
    • You might become extravagant this year; monitor your expenses; save your energies for the next year which will be low compared to last two years;
    • Socially active year full of pleasure and happiness; enthusiasm;
    • Energy is such that you don’t not want to worry about anything; Blessed with heavenly energies, everything is performed easily; Good period for creativity, for partnership.
    • Make the most of time. You would portray a grand demeanour. Indeed a good year to celebrate what you have achieved, however the advice is to save for that one rainy day.
    • Health will be good; however care needs to be taken for large intestine and lungs;
    • A word of caution for the period starting 6th May – 5th You may find the energy heavy. Things wouldn’t just move, there will be stagnancy relevant to the energy of mountain. Wait for the next month. Remember, its just a phase.
    • Be careful during the months of 8th July – 7th August & 8th August – 7th Eat well, rest well, pay more attention to making yourself more stronger, plan and research, do not rush and no hasty decisions.
  • KUA 6

    • This year will have the energy of mid-night dawn, time just before sunrise. You are inwardly progressing, you may not be fully aware of it.
    • It will be still and low. This is not the right time to execute any plans. You may have to put extra efforts in clarifying matters to others. There is a possibility of a major change due to external pressure or some internal reason. Whatever changes may happen, you should adapt a positive attitude and welcome the change.
    • The change might happen so gradually that it could surprise you when it occurs. This change will open up new direction for you and eliminate past frustrations.
    • Whatever you do, do it with seriousness and give maximum time to yourself. Think carefully.
    • Control your feeling of instability, as it is just a phase it will pass.
    • Care need to be taken while talking to others, do not impose opinion on others. Don’t try something new.
    • Blood circulation should be closely monitored. Avoid unnecessary arguments, should be careful while driving. Work out/exercise to remain active.
    • A word of caution for the period starting 6th April – 5th You may find the energy heavy. Things wouldn’t just move, there will be stagnancy relevant to the energy of mountain. Wait for the next month. Remember, this is just a phase.
    • Be careful during the months of 6th June – 7th July & 8th July – 7th Eat well, rest well, pay more attention to making yourself more stronger, plan and research, do not rush and no hasty decisions.
  • KUA 7

    • This time marks when all matters in your life are lit up.
    • Very active year again; right time to project your talents.
    • This year will be full of enthusiasm, pleasure and happiness;
    • Many unaccomplished projects will be accomplished, which will determine the success of future.
    • Name and fame is expected in this year;
    • Energy is on its highest level, you will become centre of attraction, and it will be easy to make friends.
    • Make sure you do one thing at a time. Long term relationship fare this year.
    • You should always have a positive attitude as it will give you the required splendour and brightness.
    • Take care of your heart and small intestine. Save yourself from the hot atmosphere.
    • A word of caution for the period starting 8th December – 5th You may find the energy heavy. Things wouldn’t just move, there will be stagnancy relevant to the energy of mountain. Wait for the next month. Remember, this is just a phase.
    • Be careful during the months of 6th May – 5th June & 6th June – 7th Eat well, rest well, pay more attention to making yourself more stronger, plan and research, do not rush and no hasty decisions.
  • KUA 8

    • This year the energy will be low; Concentrate on Planning. Exercise patience. Think, reflect and make new plans.
    • Financial progress will slow down;
    • More emphasis should be on planning and preparing for future.
    • Do not take any major decision this year. This is not the right time to start a new venture as many obstacles are likely to arise in new business. The right thing would be to utilize time to develop future plans; more attention to listening and observation;
    • Most of your development this year will be inner development.
    • The sound the planning the better the future.
    • You will feel worried, virtually cut off from the world.
    • Special care to kidney, bladder and reproductive organs.
    • Avoid intake of cold stuff as this would affect the normal functioning of these organs.
    • Can become emotional at times;
    • Indulge in meditation, go for long walks & exercise as much as you can.
    • A word of caution for the period starting 8th November – 7th You may find the energy heavy. Things wouldn’t just move, there will be stagnancy relevant to the energy of mountain. Wait for the next month. Remember, this is just a phase.
    • Be careful during the months of 6th April – 5th May & 6th May – 5th Eat well, rest well, pay more attention to making yourself more stronger, plan and research, do not rush and no hasty decisions. Extra care to avoid health issues is needed.
  • KUA 9

    • The energy will still be low after the low phase of year 2014; you will feel idle and tired. May not be able to concentrate on work. Generally the spirit is low. At times you will feel lonely and sad.
    • Financial progress is still slow.
    • You need to concentrate on organizing your capabilities and efficiency. This year means recharging your energy so that you are able to tap your full potential for growth in the next few years.
    • Stress is likely, make sure you allow yourself enough time to unwind and relax.
    • This time can be utilized to identify the obstructions and problems that have affected you in this year. Analyse what went wrong.
    • Refrain from giving shape to any plans until beginning of next year. Utilize your time to gather ideas, do a lot of research and collect as much information as you possibly can.
    • Listen to others’ opinion, watch all the conditions and take advice from others. Make a list of what you want to accomplish in the coming few years.
    • Meet more and more people, strengthen your contacts and relations.
    • For certain success in future and arning profit you should respect commitment and remain firm.
    • Special care to stomach and pancreas; spleen & blood circulation; exercise regularly otherwise blood circulation and lymphatic organs will become weak.
    • Chances are that you can become emotional at times; worry unnecessarily, tend to get confused, criticise people, or even involve in complaining. Avoid these negative emotions.
    • A word of caution for the period starting 9th October – 7th You may find the energy heavy. Things wouldn’t just move, there will be stagnancy relevant to the energy of mountain. Wait for the next month. Remember, this is just a phase.
    • Be extremely careful during the months of 6th March – 5th April & 6th April – 5th Chances are you might face health issues, if you do not take good care of yourself. Eat well, rest well, pay more attention to making yourself more stronger, plan and research, do not rush and no hasty decisions. Extra care to avoid health issues is needed.

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