

There are 11 possible life path numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 & 22. Out of which 11 & 22 are called master numbers. Life Path Number is obtained by adding up all the numbers in your day, month, and the year of birth.

For Example: Suppose you are born on 14-4-1970 Add up all the numbers your day, month and year numbers.

That is {(1+4) + (4) + (1+9+7+0)} That is {(5 + 4 + 17) = 17} Add 1 and 7 in 17 {(1+7) = 8} That gives you 8. Therefore, Your Life Number is 8.


    To calculate your day number add the numbers of the day of your birth.

    For example if you are born on the 26th you will calculate (2+6)= 8, your day number is 8


    Shakespeare said What is in Name?, but if you ask numerologically everything is in the
    name. Lot of Bollywood celebrities have changed their names and got the fame. Whatever
    the proverb of Shakespeare says but in reality these case studies have shown that the
    name of a person affects his life at large.

    Famous film and television personalities like Ekta Kapoor & Karan Johar are staunch
    believers of name numerology. That is the reason she begins all her serials with the
    alphabet ‘K’.

    Name Numerology rules the business world as well. Many business house owners consult
    numerologers to change their business names too as per numerology and attain big

    For instance if you can’t change your name legally, you should make your business cards
    with a new name. Also write your name 108 times in a notebook for 40 days and keep it in
    a sacred place.

    DO NOT just change your name, it needs a thorough understanding of the planets, careful
    consideration of vibrations and detailed knowledge of numbers. Should you wish to change
    your destiny you can fill in your details on Contact us page or alternatively write to
    me on

  • Meaning of your Life Path

    Life Path Number is obtained by adding up all the numbers in your day, month, and the year of birth.

    For Example: Suppose you are born on 14-4-1970 Add up all the numbers your day, month and year numbers. That is {(1+4) + (4) + (1+9+7+0)} That is {(5 + 4 + 17) = 17} Add 1 and 7 in 17 {(1+7) = 8} That gives you 8. Therefore, Your Life Number is 8.

  • Life Path 1

    • People with life path number 1 are ruled by Sun; Innovation and creativity also are characteristics associated with this path.
    • They usually start out in life by being dependent and gradually acheive a degree of independence as they mature. Ultimately they become pioneers, innovators and leaders;
    • These people are ambitious, progressive, determined and stubborn. They have inquiring minds and excellent leadership qualities;
    • These people are multitasking, honest, very bold, and outspoken. Successful in their chosen fields. Well suited for self employment as they find it difficult to follow orders
  • Negative Traits of 1

    • You can have a tendency to be self centered, egotistical and demanding.
    • Because you feel a strong desire to be number one and to appear successful, you can easily become arrogant or boastful. Though you excel as a leader, you may have a difficulty in following rules, and are reluctant to seek help, which can cause you to be always wanting more.
  • Advice for 1

    • You are quick to grab an opportunity faster than most people. Use that and you’ll be happier. Aim for a career that lets you be your own boss.
    • You’re better working alone than with a group, as you don’t take orders well.
    • Finish your task, as you tend to get lazy just because you’re frequently quicker than other people. Use that energy to explore and achieve further on your own.
    • You have the ability to recover faster than other people, therefore don’t let any illness hamper your spirits.
  • Famous 1 Personalities

    • George Washington
    • Martin Luther King
    • Sean Connery
    • Tiger Woods
    • Tom Cruise
    • Elizabeth Hurley


Case Study

Have you ever thought seriously about numbers? Perhaps not, because normally nobody does. In our school days, many of us may have fretted Mathematics. But can you imagine your life without Numbers. The mystery behind the numbers can only be understood by NUMEROLOGY.

Numerology is a word made up of “Numero” which means numbers and “logy” which means study. Why so much importance is given to our Date of birth or our names. Each number signifies something. We cannot see these numbers but they affect our lives till death. Following case studies will reveal secret of success of these famous personalities:


    A M I T ABH B A C H C H A N

    1+ 13 +10+ 22+1+2+ 8 2+1+11+8+11+8+1+14
    57 = 12 56 = 11
    12+11 = 23 ; 2+3 = 5
    No. 5 Very lucky in financial matters.

  • G H A N S H Y A M D A S B I R L A

    3+5+1+5+3+5+1+1+4 4+1+21 2+10+20+3+8
    25= 7 26=8 43=9
    7+8+9 = 24=6
    No. 6, Midas touch. Very fortunate number. Best numerology example



    2+1+2+1+3+2 5+6+3+3+5+1+5 7+2+1+4+1
    11 + 28 + 15 = 54

    This number symbolizes name, fame, practicality and definite success.


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